Pewter Cuff Making Spring 2025

Pewter Cuff Making Spring 2025


Cuff Making with Pewter

Jewellery workshop

Saturday April 19th 2025

1:00pm- 4.00pm

For ages 13yrs+

No previous experience is necessary for this workshop. We know first hand how fun it is to be able to make bespoke jewellery and get requests for the chance to have a go in the studio with someone as young as 13 so we created this opportunity. Grab a bench and get making!

1:00pm- 4.00pm

Students will be taught a little theory about the thick pewter material they will be working with then will be set free to experiment on how to build texture, surface interest and design motifs using stamps, pendant motors, rolling mills and hammering. Pewter* material is provided in course price.

*Pewter is no longer made with lead in case you are wondering. Lead was removed from the composition in 1974, by BS5140, reinforced by the European directive BSEN611 in 1994. All the pewter I purchase is from the UK. It is safe to wear on the skin and for food and beverage use. It looks alot like silver but is far more affordable with silver prices sky high.

Refreshments including juice and biccys will be available but be sure to have eaten a good lunch before you arrive.

A sketchbook, pencil and a water bottle would be helpful to bring along.

Please bring along glasses you need them and wear appropriate clothing for a studio environment including closed-toe shoes and hair must be tied up.

I will be asking nicely for phones to be turned off for focus and safety but photos and videos of progess will be encouraged.

Please arrive 15 min before the start of class. More details will be emailed 1 week before the class.

The Studio

7-9 Glassworks

Lancaster LA1 1NZ

By booking you agree to our Terms and Conditons

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