Rachel Hearne Jewellery

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Welsh Love Spoon Charm Necklace

Folk art is something I am continually drawn to, I think it is because it is honest and made by a huge range of people in a community. I am intrigued at the recognition by so many humans of a pattern, a material or a symbol. Welsh spoons have been one of those items I have been blissfully unaware of until recently….completely off my radar. And immediatley they seemed to me like a little transportable totem pole of a story of love.

When you talk to someone who knows about these quirky wooden spoons it is like a little trip down a memory lane. Each little symbol in the stack means something. And a spoon is one of our most basic tools used all over the world for thousands of years symbolising a home, warmth, security and love.

So I have made a little Welsh love spoon by freehand drawing, piercing and hand carving much like one would work in wood. I started with a stack of symbols starting from the top is a gem, a ring, a flower, a stylized compass, and lastly a fushia flower. I set a little Alexanderite in the middle of the flower for a tiny bit of sparkle.

I think it looks best on a long chain necklace it would be a quirky but sweet anniversary gift.