Thanks at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2020 StyleIf there has ever been a bigger year for reflection I don’t know one. My own family tradition at this time of year is to cook a big meal, eat and share with friends and family and use the time to really reflect on the blessing…

Thanksgiving 2020 Style

If there has ever been a bigger year for reflection I don’t know one. My own family tradition at this time of year is to cook a big meal, eat and share with friends and family and use the time to really reflect on the blessings of the year. I usually write a few handwritten letters of thanks to a few select people who I feel need to know I am thankful for their work or help. This year I think everyone needs that letter especially with a national lockdown in November.

This year feels like swallowing a cactus… it has been a slog. Yet I feel it has offered a slower pace, and a chance to really reflect on the importance of health, family and friends.

I have taken essential services for granted. I know we all have to some degree. My life would be awful if my bins weren’t collected, delivery persons weren’t delivering and my local shops were closed. I am especially grateful for our teachers. They are bravely out there helping the rest of the country by keeping young people in school. The NHS is absolutely amazing too and I know some fantastic doctors and nurses out there doing much more than they ever bargained for. Coming from a family of nurses I can say no one works like a nurse or a doctor. So this is my huge thank you to all those who make this all a bit more bearable.

November is traditionally a time to feel really homesick for California sunshine, it happens every year when I realise Thanksgiving is fast approaching. Over the years I have fought that feeling with lots of plans with friends, charity events, and a Xmas open studio. This year I am embracing the upcoming quiet winter knowing the spring will be better than ever. I hope you can too.

Please stay safe and keep looking after each other. -Rachel


Hello from the Studio,Well here we are the 11th month of this weird year. And to my delight, at the 11th hour, I’m breathing a sigh of relief over the US election results. I know not everyone will feel the same, but I personally feel it has given me…

Hello from the Studio,

Well here we are the 11th month of this weird year. And to my delight, at the 11th hour, I’m breathing a sigh of relief over the US election results. I know not everyone will feel the same, but I personally feel it has given me a bit of hope for a fresh start to the upcoming year.

This has been a very tough year for us all in many different ways. I would like to say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, your patience and most of all your dedication to supporting local business. Your continued phone-calls, emails and social media comments have really kept my chin up. Thank you.

During lockdown I have been plodding on with studio renovations and improvements, rescheduling courses, making commissioned heirloom pieces and playing catch up from months of homeschooling kids. I feel incredibly lucky to be in a position to carry on with my work, I know so many others are not in that place.

I am currently looking into offering a Xmas Open Studio Event online so keep your eyes peeled for more details on Facebook and Instagram. I am also working on getting the LoveLinks Project online in time for bidding though this site. And I have scheduled several courses for Spring 2021.

If you would like me to make something unique for the Dec 25th get in touch asap.

Rachel Hearne