Peter Keep of Jewellery Training Solutions Visit 2022
![Peter Keep Jewellery Training Solutions](
Summer Masterclasses
This past summer we hosted the talented and wonderful Peter Keep Jewellery Training Solutions (JTS). He offered a variety of stone setting techniques and tricks of the trade during his classes which was a real treat. He also showed us all how to use the PulseGraver for setting as well as traditional hand engraving techniques. Flush, split and shared claw, star and bright cutting was covered over several weekends while he was in the UK.
We are already looking at dates for 2023 that he can return - we will let you know as soon as we get it organized.
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Learn more
Rachel HearneRachel Hearne Jewellery SchoolLancashire Jewellery courses, JTS, rachel_hearne_jewellery_school