Laser Welding
Dado Laser 2.0
Soldering, technically known as brazing, can give you a fantastic dopamine hit. It happens when the solder flows perfectly and there a little instant rush of satifaction. I believe it is that feeling we metal heads chase time and time again. When we spend time practicing our craft it becomes an expected result. However even the best of the best experience meltdowns now then….literally.
Students and new comers know this game can be incredibly frustrating. The hardest thing to master out of the entire equation is heat control. It isn’t just understanding the theory and heat exchange. It is lots of continuous exposure to varied experiences that you can only get with lots of practice. Enter a laser welder.
A laser welder can take the place of soldering or can aid tricky soldering operations by tacking parts together with accuracy before soldering process begins. They can be used for repairs, used near set gemstones, retipping and can help fix pitting. Like soldering it takes practice but it is a totally different way of working.
Laser welders are versatile, powerful and used by many professionals. They used to be totally unattainable for a small shop or lone bench jeweller due to cost and space needed. Now that a compact table top Dado version exsists it is possible to explore the creative freedom it can offer at an affordable price not to mention superb UK based product support.
On March 22nd 2024 we have the Freeform Fabrication team coming to the studio to help expand the horizons for anyone wondering what laser welding is all about. If you have wanted to have a proper go this is a great way to test out the options.
For only £25 you can book in for either a 3 hour morning or afternoon session. You will work along side an experienced goldsmith and have your very own Dado to play on. And they will be bringing a bigger laser to play on too so come check it out!