Well it is that day that is sold to us as a lovers day and a day of love. I believe I am very lucky to have a deep love affair with my craft and work. This is something I reflect on daily and do not take for granted. Lots of hard work and sheer grit over the years means I am sharing the joy of making with so many of you.
Being a goldsmith has meant of course I have challenges despite this love and I will share some with you.
When I was young and soon to graduate it was truly not female friendly trade and it was very hard to get work on the bench. I could pass a bench test with flying colours only to be told that being on a all male team wasn’t possible as it was “just never going to work to have a girl around”. So I worked in an female run jewellery business and that was that. I cut my baby jeweller teeth with many fabulous creative women.
And many years later when babies arrived I had the threat of sheer exhaustion or guilt to haunt my bench hours. It was a really hard slog back then. I worked while they slept and didn’t sleep much. It was then I decided I wanted to start teaching jewellery which I fell in utter love with. Some say those who teach only teach because they can’t make a living at it. I teach because I just love it, it really never paid the bills but kept me sane and totally stimulated. It is really fun for me to be apart of the energy of learning this trade.
Recently the joy of my age is slowly appearing, occasionally making my hands ache or joints feel stiff and forcing me to wear reading glasses. My boys need me less so I get to be at my bench more often with less guilt and my skills are a joy to have earned. I recently noticed even my dog Marra has slowed down yet improved with age. We are all “growing up” it seems and I know that also a absolute privledge.
I could not do all this without my wonderful husband Paul’s support in most everything I do and my fantastic friends who have cheered me on. And a special love nod to my amazing clients and students who have the same love for handmade treasures as I do. I thank you for helping me do what I love.